Singer Songwriter
HelloPiedpiper is a four piece band from Cologne, Germany. They blend Folk, Indieand are sometimes referred to as cinematic-art-pop. They released a full lengthalbum „The raucous tide“ ( 2016) and a 4-track Ep „2020“ (Oxygen) on KF Records and have toured, Germany and Europe throughout theircareer. The group installs their curiosity for grooves, electric guitars, soundlayers and harmonic vocals onto classical folksongs. They are well known fortheir spherical soundscapes which could also have been written by both Midlake,Fleet Foxes, Patrick Watson or Ennis Morricone. It sounds like the good olddays one could say. But yet thats not entirely true. Past and a present arestrongly connected and that´s why you can´t tell where the past ends or thepresent begins.